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4 Signs You Need to Hire a Plumber for Drain Cleaning Services

Dec 08, 2023

Your home needs clear and working drains for proper sanitation. After all, your drains are responsible for carrying dirty water to your plumbing system. However, your drains may develop issues like clogs and not function properly. Here are signs you should hire a plumbing service for drain cleaning.

1. Draining Takes a Long Time

When you shower or wash the dishes, does it seem like water is draining out slower than ever? According to Plumbing Manufacturers International, 400 gallons of water a day equals the average amount used by a family of four in the United States. With so much water being used by the typical American family, it can create a sanitation issue when that water begins to pool and not drain out well.

2. There Are Gurgling Sounds

Do you hear loud gurgling sounds every time water goes down the drain? Those gurgling sounds can result from a clog or trapped air in your pipes. The problem likely won't fix itself on its own, so you need a professional plumbing service to find the source of the clog. They can inspect the drain and determine the cause of the noise.

3. You're Considering Chemical Solutions

When people have a drainage issue, they may be tempted to reach for over-the-counter chemicals. However, it's one of the worst things you can do for your drains, plumbing, and septic tank. These chemicals won't solve the drainage issue and make matters worse. These toxic chemicals can burn through your pipes and sometimes even seep through your septic tank. As a result, it can result in sewage leakage into your soil and municipal water supply.

4. You've Noticed Bad Smells

If you take pride in keeping a clean home, you don't want it to smell nasty. Unfortunately, when water sits too long, it can become dirty. When water is already dirty after a shower or bath, the likelihood of it becoming smelly when it sits there is even more likely.

As you can see, you have many reasons to call a local plumbing service to handle your drainage issues. They can safely handle the problem while removing bad smells and preventing pests. Stop those loud gurgling noises and slow drains today by calling the Rooter-Man team today.

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